
A re-platform from an in-house system to a WordPress website for the world's largest airport TV network.

Re-platforming and further developing ReachTVs website in WordPress

My client Ink Global wanted to take their ReachTV website from an in-house built CMS and re-develop it into a WordPress website as well as make selected design improvements.
Ink Global
3 weeks

A functional WordPress website which connects to their APIs

ReachTV is America’s largest in-airport TV network and shares authentic stories and shows, with travellers around the world. When they got in touch they had an existing website built on its own custom CMS, but wanted the flexibility and usability of a bespoke WordPress built site which would allow them to easily add shows, episodes, categories, airports, etc. with minimal faffing around.


A new WordPress website which gives back control to the user

I took the existing site as a foundation and turned it into a much improved version powered by WordPress. Then using an AdobeXD design supplied by the client, I made several updates to sections around the site – such as improving the airport search functionality and adding Vimeo embedded video backgrounds. The most complex part of the build was integrating the site with the live video stream from an external API and pulling it into a modal window the user can click to open.

We knew travellers and advertisers around the world would be streaming video content from the site, so we decided to embed the videos using Vimeo. This meant that pages and video content would load quickly and the site wouldn't become sluggish over time as the amount of content grew.

The site is likely to go through further phases of design and development improvements over the coming year, as our primary goal was to get the site re-platformed and live ASAP. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it develops over time.


“Lewis somehow finds a way to make even our most complex requests possible, and always in a timely manner. He is incredibly organized and attentive, and he’s helped make our biggest challenges feasible to tackle”.

Celia Almeida
Digital Director at Ink
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